Shit, I pretty much hate this song but I have to bring it on, because this live video puts together something essential of brazilian culture and baile funk...
"Dança Do Créu" by MC Créu must be the most silly, stupid and irritating baile funk song ever, and maybe because of that, it's popular as fuck at the moment in Rio. Check out this video out of Furacão 2000's Tsunami 2 DVD where MC Créu goes off. The whole song is practically about 5 stages of shaking it faster and faster. On the second half of the clip he calls in the girls and that's where you see what they mean with popozuda (=a girl with a big ass) and what's the whole dancing scene like in Rio. And as we non-brazilians also note, the brazilian idea of a good looking ass, differs by some 30cm at least...
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Danca do Creu CREU!
the woman with the bigger butt at his right, is also knowed here by "mulher melancia" (=watermelon woman)
and the 5 stages of shaking is about 5 stages of fucking haha (i don't know if it's clearly obvious out of brasil so decide to explain lol)
thanks for the video!
Mulher Melancia! Suits her! Thanks for the info João Paulo, I didn't know that.
I think the 5 stages of fucking is pretty well illustrated by MC Créu on the video, but yeah, that's what Dança do Créu is all about.
you guys know nothing about brazilian culture. it's much more than brazilian black "culture"; this kind of stuff is only option for those without option. This "dance" of these days is a remake for those from 7 years ago, which was a remake from 15 years ago..all coming from the slums, where blacks are majority and africa is the strong influence. fortunately, everybody in Brazil knows that is a sub-culture for illiterate people besides the gangs and the abuse of women as sexual object. In Brazilian society this folks are the trash. TRASH, GUETTO society. What you guys should do is to try to give education and opportunity for these shallow, desperate people.
^As I am a guy from Finland and lived in Brazil only twice, you are right: I don't know much about brazilian culture.
However I know some, and many times I ask from those who know if I don't myself.
Pretty much all dances are remakes or combinations of something; nowadays it's pretty difficult to do something nobody has done before. So no wonder also this dance has been around also before. However Créu is making it contemporary and up-to-date again.
However, in my opinion, baile funk as music and culture itself is something very original and creative.
And I do NOT agree about your opinion of ghetto trash. Treating and judging some human being as trash shows very rasict and discriminating attitude.
It is true that life in favela can be hard, but it is not the fault of the people living there but the whole society and government who don't give any options to these "people without any options".
And what "these people" are doing is creating their own strong culture and creating some possibilities to be better out in life, when the society doesn't take care of them and even dispises.
I think that "everybody in Brazil" doesn't agree with you. (if you don't, please show it!) I think that kind of patronizing and uplifting your own feeling of "being better" is outrageous.
I also wish that if you make such discriminating comments, you would write on your own name, NOT anonymously.
Coming from a guy from wonder to be worshiping such ridiculous form of music and dance which abuses woman. Baile funk is simply a movements of a sexual libido. Cheap, funny almost retarded. It is a ghetto trash. Which worship violence, rape, drugs and breaking the law. No, there's no victim here my friend from Finland! 80% of favela people are honest worker and at least half of them hate such "art". This is gringo stuff (like yhou) who know nothing about Brazil. Yes, brazil brown, white with blue eyes, brazil japanese, italian, russian an indian (amazon, mato grosso, etc.); we are the really melting pot. we all mix between us.... you guys are ridiculous drinkers of midia which show only a bunch of young black ridiculous guys which play either victim or are criminals. Look, to play the "racism" card of course would come from a gringo, which think knows something about my country. How many times have you been in a favela smarty? ha? Everybody knows in my country, including my black friends that kind of "culture" and "art" are an invitation for death, emotional problems, psychological issues, anger, sexual compulsivity, rape, violence. Why don't you stop the shallow intelectualism and work hard to give those people education, support, sport, emotional, financial and health aid; our current government is starting to change the favelas. One day, they all will be neighborhoods..clean, with water, pipes, electricity, schools, hospital. That's what I'm talking about. and the best of all...without "baile funk". Brasil te amo! go home gringos (only those without cause, that is, "funk". By the way, I use anonymous because I can. I'm lazy to open an account and you better be happy for even explaining that to you...gringo. why don't you use your time trying to help the cursed guetto instead of worshiping trash?
^I know quite many people like you; they are called HATERS.
And I know that many brazilians don't agree with you.
I have been to favelas about 20 times. (Canatagalo, Pavão/Pavãozinho, Acarí, Borel etc.)
So let me ask you, how many times you have been to favelas and what are you doing to improve favelas? How are you making them "clean, with water, pipes, electricity, schools, hospital"?
If I knew who you are and what are you doing (instead of talking big words) I could maybe take you seriously. Now you just seem like some immature jerk too afraid to talk with your own name.
Timo Santala
You don't have to create an account, you can just state your name under your text.
We don't need people like you my friend. WE need people to work with druggys, illiterates, sexual addicts, criminals in hospitals, schools, factories, rehabs, etc...people like you should go home study a way to help these people instead of worshiping the disgusting and violent trash, which you call "culture"; be a man. wake up. one day you will get mature and your values will change (I hope); we don't need your hatred among us. are you one of those "black panthers" from us? sound like it. We are gonna mobilize the ONGs and other social worker in the community to avoid people like you to transit freely promoting rape, violence, drugs and illiteracy. Nobody need that kind of stuff and its sub-product stinky dance which you fake f....your "partner". We brazilians, we love each other..we are brown, white blue and green eyes, we are yellow, we are africans, united by a culture of tolerance....what we don't tolerate is gringos promoting the failing and decadence of human being in our land. go home gringo.'""""research".of."art"'
Everybody in Brasil knows how sad, disgusting,dirty,silly,danger,stinky,limitrofe,pathetic,doped up and abusive is "baile funk"; my friends do alemao, the fathers and mothers just dream of the day this plague (seeded by gringos,too) will be gone from our communities. That's amazing a guy from Finland! (look at that) come here to be doped up with such trash. What a tremendous waist of time, talent,potential, brain and energy. Those who know all nuances of crime, drama and violence against women around favelas really are giving their lives to build something positive for those who has no hope. Timo, o gringo, come here and "maaannn..this is cooollll..look at that ass....yeah..I'm "jornalist" and "DJ".... unbeliavable a guy like you, timo, to become a crack head and come here to infect our land. Why don't you be an adult and do something really decent, as an expression of music and community? samba, chorinho, xaxado, carnaval, trabalho voluntario, english sth day, you will grow up and all this useless life's style will means much less for you. So change, the good for others and you still have energy. Look, if in your country you can't find meaning, because is too boring, don't come here thinking favela is a janglo with "exotic animals" such as "mulher melancia", the 5 stages of the f... what a tremendous waist of time. How useless and ridiculous you may be. Man, the majority of brazilians, especially in favelas don't want funk there. You have no idea. So you have twenty times? ohhhh of addiction do those may have been in favelas 200 times....doesn't change the fact your presence there is USELESS for our community. Want to play "the gringo researcher of "different" cultures? go to a ZOO. Here, between our people, we will continue the good fight against doped up crack head foreigners who love a big ass....go home gringo..and come back when you are willing to become a english professor or a volunteer for social problems. Down to the disease of funk That's the conscious and especially sub-conscious of all brazilians..down with drug dealers...down with sexual abusive words and songs representative of druggies who don't give a damn to our youth. Down with this stinky form of opressure...down to the funk, the comedy of some brazilians who love to laugh of the pathetic show. This brazilians are reprehensible for their cowardness, but you are still worse, timo. You could really make a difference coming from your country. Could bring a perspective that people don't know. do you do that? no, just sink on this mud. Grow up man.
Dear Anonymous,
If you would have read the post, you would have propably noticed what I wrote about "Dança do Créu":
"Shit, I pretty much hate this song but I have to bring it on, because this live video puts together something essential of brazilian culture and baile funk...
"Dança Do Créu" by MC Créu must be the most silly, stupid and irritating baile funk song ever, and maybe because of that, it's popular as fuck at the moment in Rio."
If you read what is written above, you might notice that in the first place I am pretty critical about this kind of abusive lyrics. So I don't consider myself one of those "doped up crack head foreigners who love a big ass".
Why I wrote about this and presented the video, is that this is what is going on in Rio and the baile funk scene. NOT because I would think it's cool in some way. This is the reality, weather I or you, or anybody else like it.
And you would propably be surprised if you really sometimes talked with me, instead of just accusing me blindly, that I actually do agree with you on quite many things: The people in favelas need schools, hospitals, sanitation etc.
But what I don't agree with you are your opinions about baile funk. I think it's in most of its forms is creative and what's the most important gives hope and joy for the people who live in harsh realities.
However I think MC Créu and "Dança do Créu" are about the worst of baile funk. (I wrote it quite clearly in the first post...) But baile funk is much more then "Dança do Créu" and other sexist songs.
I'm also pretty critical about the connection of baile funk and drug dealing, but that's a whole new question I won't go into here.
So instead of hating blindly, please read what I write.
Ok. Let me calm down. Based on your answer I can visualize you as a channel of change.
However, the argument of creativity is not valid. You can be creative for steal, to murder...the fact the brings "joy"...again...drugs bring "joy" kill somebody bring joy for some seek people...doesn't bring a healthy joy and pride of been.. and finally don't give me the "hating" thing which you use as argument for your defense. It's OK to hate's OK to hate the disgrace and the desperation of a raped's OK to hate the hatred. Never people. Always their decadence. Besides, Rio, like bahia is a very concentrated type of "culture" definitely black..different than the rest of the vast country, which don't have the same background. I repeat. "Baile Funk" is not to be don't need brain to "dance" that bunch of guys and girls sticky to each other subliming their misery through sex. I appreciate your writings, but you could be a much stronger agent of change. Much more. Mario de andrade monteiro, moro em botafogo e vindo da rocinha...nao sei porque not having my name here bother so much..want my address?
Agora que o PAC comecou o baile funk vai acabar para o alivio da maioria das pessoas das comunidades. Now that the PAC began, the funk dance will end for the relieve of the most of the people of the favela communities.
Nos brasileiros teremos orgulho de ver aquela coisa suja substituida por samba, chorinho, carnaval, teatro, arte, capoeira, etc. We'll have the proud to be that dirt to be replaced by samba,....
Timo why do you respond to such a creature..He is rascist, sexist and classist. He hate evething that come from the favela..everthing from his mouth is HATE!!!
It is obvious he is not from favela becase he has money he think he can talk garbage about people like me who live in favelas..
do not responde him maybe he will go away to take his anger on somebody else..
yes this guy like to talk gabage but do not even write his real name..COVARDE!!!
Zezinho da Rocinha
Timo, I think the fellow above has raised legitimate points. I agree with him. We need so much more. Besides, we from inside out of community know how distorted is the fun and how the music is used by dealers to promote sexual prosmicuity, drugs and lack of education. That's ridiculous somebody (like the last comment above) attacking the guy. Maybe "zezinho" is just one of those who continue to torture our people as dictator of illicit substance and the king of the brutality.
bruno do alemao
Zezinho, Bruno and mr. anonymous,
We are dealing here very complicated issues, and I wish you wouldn't see them in such a black and white way...
I think we all agree that favelas need more education, better houses, sewerage systems, etc. OK, so let's not argue about that anymore...
I think we all also agree that people in the favelas need also culture. And not only need, they HAVE their own strong culture. Samba, capoeira etc.
(remember that samba and capoeira were both discriminated in the beginning for a long time, because they were "culture of the poor people" The same is happening with funk carioca, but in the future, I'm sure everybody sees it at one of the most important cultural and musical heritages coming out of the favelas...)
I myself do believe that baile funk and funk carioca are part of carioca culture and essential part of the favelas. And at the bottom a good, revitalising force.
And besides all this the favela people also need freetime activities,"lazer", as you brazilians call it. It's not the first need, but still important, no matter what anybody says. And I think baile funk is important in this way for the community. (of course not everybody agrees, for some people living next door to a baile, it can be a pain in the ass... But for a vast majority it is an essential part of the life.)
But as we know, funk carioca isn't one uniform movement. And there are some branches to it I know aren't any good for the people in the favelas.
Putaria, for example, I think in most of it's forms is quastionable, but pretty harmless. (Dança do Creu, on the other hand, is just stupid...)
In the question of Proibidão, we enter to a much more complex issue and debate. For most of the "gun lyrics" are pretty harmful for the music and the community.
The biggest problems in the favelas are the drug traffic, drug dealers, guns, violence, insecurity and sexual misbehaviour (rape, prostitution). (and of course the state and the government who don't give much support, but let's not go into that)
But I think it's pretty unfair to accuse baile funk and the music for these problems. They aren't the ones causing the problems, but marely just relfecting. I agree that in some occasions baile funk is used to promote the drug traffic and the gangs, but have sense people, that's just a minority of the whole baile funk movement.
What I consider more important are the opportunities that music gives to young talented DJs and MCs and singers, as well as work and joy (and "lazer") for so many of the people living in the communities.
Baile funk and funk carioca music isn't just a hitting tool of the "comandos" and the "traficantes", but also much more. Perrla singing roantic lyrics for example has about nothing to do with the negative side of funk carioca and still her music is part of the baile funk movement as much as anybody else's...
But I agree with Bruno that these are controversial issues. Baile funk has a lot of good sides and benefits for the communities, but also many negative sides. (like the ones here are mentioned...)
But all in all I'd say that don't jugde the book by it's cover...
I am first to agree that there is bad in all type of musics but to say Funk is responsble for the all bad things is crazy..This is like to say that Hip Hop in the US is responsble for all the drugs, ganags murders in the US. Funk is about have a good time and dance. Me as a DJ, I prefer to play tamborzao or romatica, I am big fan of MC Marcinho, Latino and others who sing social concence songs. Or Now I like songs by MC Jefinho, Ricardo and, Koringa...but no proibidao..
The abuse of women comes from parent lack of bring up the child correct. The parent is repsonsble for raise the child correct, not music. I do not like so much this putaria, but people the galeras demand this type of music. I play now in the USA and even the Brazilians who living here want this song "Danca do Creu" yes it is stupid song and in the last party I play they ask me to play this song TWO times, and these are midle and rich class Brazilians who LIVE in the USA, people who usually descrimnate against favelados.......but it is about have fun not take serious this words about having sex..But what music does not in some way have songs about sex or make love to beatiful woman?? Hip Hop, R&B, Pop even country musics talk about this too. The abuse of women I do NOT agree with this, but as long as the men run the countries this will always be. My father raise me correct, I do not hit women...Abuse is about a mans lack of being able to comunicate well with his wife, girlfreind, this is why some guys abuse...I do NOT agree with this!!!
I do not torture or dictate anybody...I just try to enjoy the good things funk have to ofer and try make people happy. Yes, at shows I will play some putaria, but I refuse play the gang proibidao that talk of killing people..this is where I make my line.
I work with non profit group in Rocinha and is my responsbility to be good model for the childs I teach.
Bruno do Alemao I do not use drogs nor do I drink alcool so please do not judge me....I know why is the purpose of the traficantes and I do not agree but how I am to stop the problem of this in Favelas, all I can do is try make good things happen with the people I teach. Maybe this is why I am now in the USA playing shows becase I can better help my people by raise money to help the school.
You want more informations about who I help and the work I do..the website below..go and read,.Bruno I sigest for you to try impact your comunity in some way by doing something to make diference in Alemao..
Ja Fuiii!
Zezinho da Rocinha (com muito orgulho)
Zezinho is right in many things...
One guy from Finland whom I know is coming Fundação Dois Irmaõs to help. Teemu Kivikangas. Maybe you know him?
ok well as a real brazilan i will tell you that yeah this dance is very sexual but its not like american songs arent sexual to. so u cant really say shit about us cuz u dont even noe the backgrounds of the song and american songs just talk crap nothing speical just sexual music that will keep there life goin boring shit man
First of all: I'm not a American, I'm from Finland...
Second: I don't like many stupid american songs either.
hi i'm sorry to bother your discussion but what does 'dança do creu' mean??
i'm from holland and i like samba, is that a bad dance too?
You guys are complete idiots.
How are you speaking on something you have no education on, just cause you've been there dsn't mean you know a damn thinq - merda; even if you live in brazil you might be completely wrong.
Just shut up danca do creu is nasty raunchy fun - ITS fun.
Its not something to debate, maybe some people don't like it but others do && if they do let them like it. MERDA!
Hey guys......I came across this blog...´cause I was trying to see MC Creu´s video.....
I couldn´t read the whole drama above... too much ignorance involved!
Timo don´t waste your time with that kid...
I have one thing to say: I LOVE FUNK CARIOCA!
The best thing ever happened in the slums of Rio! Now they´re exporting to other parts of the world! There is a nice funk band from my state (Paraná) called Bonde do Rolê, they´re so much fun!
Funk is fun! hight energy! sexy dancing!
Timo keep up with the good work!
here is a rmix i started
hope u like....
I mean it's hot so let's just leave it at that...wait till ya'll see how I incorporate this into a song in the US....gonna be a hit. Working with Lil' Jon right now on this as a matter of fact!
I like Funk Carioca !!
E Mulher Melancia não é nada, nas favelas tem muito + !! kKk
PEACE y LOVE ahha =)
Interesting debate. I have only just come across Baile Funk but have been immediately interested in the music scene. What has also struck me is the similarities with Dancehall in Jamaica and the Caribbean. These genres which are often incorrectly construed as being the cause of so many important issues are merely reflections of society and a medium for messages to be delivered. Overtly sexual dancing and lyrics, strong bass line led sounds and slang languages may not be to everyone's tastes but are a reflection of a particular population, generation and situation. Look not at the music but the problems behind it. Music has long been associated with movements for social change, a platform for protest, pain and comment.
i am 1000 puro brazilian & the danco du creu its not nasty its just part of our culture just lyk som ppl ting our carnival is nasty ITS NOT ITS PART OF OUR CULTURE..! i was born 7 raise in the favelas..! my uncle is the big man there he is the 1 dat u have 2 go thru 2 b able 2 live dere..! dat dance is not nasty bt only part of our culture & im a girl..!
i love this song we do it all the time in zumba class who cares alot of peopel love dancing to this song it's a form of expression
As a final comment on a worn out topic... If we were to eliminate all cultural expressions that came from the ghetto we'd have no jazz, no blues, no rock'n'roll, no samba, no tango, no latin music to speak of, no hip-hop, no reggae, no punk for that matter... in other words what we'd have is the polka and a bunch of other boring genres invented by educated white people. Music is not education... school is education. Music is expression.
EU AMOOOO BRASIL!!!! Dancar funk é serio minha praia!! Ey, finländare, om du nu varit i så många favelas vrf skriver du inte på portugisiska då? Eu moro aqui em São Paulo numa favela. Para sobreviver as pessoas aqui trabalham muito forte! Meu noivo trabalha 12 horas entre segunda e sábado. Jag är från Sverige och bor nu i slummen.. ett val jag gjorde och inte skulle vilja byta mot ngt för Norden suger kuk! Jag dör hellre här än bo i Sverige! O ritmo no funk é maravilhoso mas muitos letras são ruins... like it or leave it! Maria Bjärlestam
Escrevo em inglês por que essa blog é destinado mais pra pessoas fora do Brasil que ainda não conhecem o funk. O brasileiros já sabem tudo de funk, e se eu escrevesse em portugûes, outros não entenderiam nada. Informação do funk em portugûes já tem bastante...
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